Are you already detoxing or still suffering?


My detox coaching not only helps you with your health, but also brings out your natural beauty. We are exposed to so many toxins these days that health and beauty can hardly be achieved naturally without regular detoxification. Basically, you need to get rid of lots of “junk” first. Be it intestinal deposits, toxins, waste products, parasites or acids – everything has to come out! I will help you find the right detoxification method and make you glow again!

I am Anita and have been involved in the nutrition and detox area for over 10 years. As a state-certified nutritionist, I help people find the right long-term diet. As a detox coach I provide my clients with the right detox method, so they can go healthier, more energetic and with more vitality through life.

II have tried many detox techniques, also from other countries. My conclusion is that not every detox programme suits everyone. Various factors play a role, which I will be happy to analyse and discuss with you.


You want to lose weight, improve your skin appearance, stop hair loss or feel more energy? I take your discomfort and problems seriously and most important: I listen. Together we will find a solution that suits you!

Why Do You Need To Detox?

Never before have people been exposed to so many toxins and pollutants as today. This situation is an enormous challenge for the body! What to do with the poisons and toxins?

Imagine your body is a city with a functioning waste system (blood and lymphatic system) for domestic waste (metabolic waste products). Over time, more and more tourists (food, medicines, etc.) come from outside and leave their rubbish (plasticisers, heavy metals, pesticides, florides, fine dust, etc.) on the streets. The daily rubbish collection doesn’t know what to do with it, but wants to keep the city clean. It is now unclear how this wast can be disposed of. Therefore, the rubbish collection sweeps up the dirt and pushes it into shafts (fat cells) and small alleys (connective tissue, capillaries). There it starts to stink and ferment. As a result, living in the city becomes more and more unbearable. The inhabitants (cells) do not get any fresh air (oxygen), become ill and eventually leave their houses, which then decay (cell death). A cleaning squad (detoxification concept) is needed!

Detoxification Is The Solution To Your Physical Discomfort

The good news: there is a solution for almost every problem, whether psoriasis, migraine or constipation. However, an individual analysis is necessary, because every person deals with existing problems differently. Also, the same problem, e.g. overweight, can be solved in different ways. What are your health challenges?


Do you have health issues?

Pain / Migraines

Many people nowadays have to deal with problems such as migraine, hair loss, malaise, headaches, toothache, joint – back or abdominal pain.


Does your skin look unhealthy?

Acne / Psoriasis

Problems with the skin are very unpleasant for many people because they are visible to others. Not only acne but also psoriasis are very stressful.


Do you suffer from energy deficiency?

Exhaustion / Depression

Listlessness, low energy level, chronic fatigue, exhaustion, difficulty sleeping or mild to strong depression are no longer uncommon.


You keep gaining weight?

Diabetes / Cardiovascular

The issue of obesity has been tried to be solved for years. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and gout are now part of everyday life for many people.

Identify The Causes Of Discomfort

Every physical and mental problem has a cause that must first be recognised. Depending on the degree of intoxication, the symptoms of this problem then show on the outside. Be it in the form of overweight, hair loss, psoriasis or body odour.

Detoxification is the first step towards recovery. Detoxification means that harmful, toxic and stressful substances are eliminated from the body. It is important to look individually at what is acceptable for the body. Depending on the physical condition, different detoxification methods are used.

Some Detox Methods


Intestinal Cleaning

If everything is in order in the intestine (intestinal flora, bacterial strains, etc.), then the immune system will also work. Tiredness, flatulence, susceptibility to infections or intolerances can disappear.


Juice Fasting

A juice fast can work wonders. The intestine is emptied and the body gets a lot of important minerals and vitamins. More vitality, well-being and energy as well as a fresher appearance can be expected.


Liver Cleanse

The liver is the most important detoxification organ. It should be cleaned at least once a year. This is because the liver cleans 1.5 litres of blood per minute and must function so that you do not poison yourself from the inside out.


Alkaline Cure

Most people have the acid-base balance out of control. All kinds of illnesses and “beauty problems” are related to the imbalance. With the Alkaline Cure you will achieve more well-being.

Since you are already browsing my site, you have already taken the first important step. You are interested in the topic of detoxification or have recognised for yourself that you need to detoxify. This awareness is the basis for detoxification success! Congratulations!

Let’s take the next step together!

Online Consulting

My detox counselling as well as detox support takes place mainly online. Depending on the location, a personal meeting can also be arranged if desired. I am very much looking forward to meeting you and am curious to see what problem I can help you with. Start with a detox and get your joy of life back!

Daily Detox

Help for everyday life

  • Consultation: brief discussion of your complaints and problems
  • 6 simple detox methods
  • Recommendation of further detoxification methods

49 Euro

Consultation Package

Analysis and Recommendations

  • Query of existing complaints, anamnesis and detailed evaluation
  • Consultation
  • Recommendation of possible detoxification methods

149 Euro

Blood Group Package

Blood group nutrition is the key

  • Blood group must be known
  • Consultation regarding blood group nutrition, sport and health
  • Food overview according to the blood group

195 Euro

Get rid of acids, toxins and waste products! Detoxify now! Because only radiant, healthy people are beautiful, successful and attractive!