Services / Offers

I would like to introduce you to my services and offers, which you will find listed below. If you have any questions about them, please feel free to contact me! Even if you are not sure which of the consultations is right for you, I will be happy to help you choose. I look forward to your contact and wish you good health now!

get to know

Getting To Know Each Other

I would like to get to know you personally and look forward to meeting you online!

Consultation time is 10 – 15 minutes
Brief discussion of your current situation
Free of charge


individual consulting

Individual Consultation

Personal consultation to clarify your questions.

Consultation time is 60 minutes
Discussion of your health problems /discomforts
Support / detoxification recommendations

90 Euro

consultation package

Consulting Package

Comprehensive query of your discomforts, intensive analysis and evaluation.

Consultation: Query and analysis of existing discomforts and anamnesis
Evaluation and subsequent second consultation
Recommendation of possible detoxification methods

149 Euro

detox daily

Detox Advice For Everyday Life

You can support your health and beauty every day with simple tricks.

Brief discussion of existing discomforts and problems
6 simple detox methods
Recommendation of further detox methods

89 Euro

blood group diet

Blood Group Consultation

Eating according to your blood group is the basis for functioning health.

Precondition: Blood group must be known
Food overview according to your blood type

149 Euro

detox week

Detox Week

Treat your body to this detox week. You will not only get rid of weight!

7 day detox plan
Including counselling during detox

139 Euro

intestinal detox

Intestinal Cleanse

Intestine healthy – human healthy. Your immune system is in the gut, support it!

Consultation intestinal cleanse
Product package for cleanse
Including counselling during cleanse

159 Euro


Juice Fasting

Give your body everything it needs and detoxify at the same time.

Juice fasting plan according to personal possibilities
Including counselling during the fast

129 Euro